Project Idea - Need Feedback - Education for Muslim Women

Hi all. My name's Brent and I'm doing a project on equity in education. I decided to do my topic on the Muslim community, particularly Muslim women.

My project idea was this: In northern India, there seems to be a bad situation for Muslim women when it comes to education. 85% of Muslim women in northern India are illiterate and are too poor to afford a decent education for themselves or their children.

With that in mind, my idea was to construct schools in northern India that would help to educate middle school-aged girls (ages 10-14) who greatly desire an education. Expert teacher's would be supplied to these schools in order to teach girls how to read, write, and also educate them on other subjects such as the Muslim religion.

That was my basic idea for the project. Feedback from anyone here would be greatly appreciated.

Just out of curiosity, do you have similar litteracy figures for the men in that region?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I'm having trouble finding the literacy rate of males in northern India really. From what I can tell, men are better off than the women overall. The best statistic I could find so far is that in northern India, 26% of the women's husbands are illiterate.

The reason I decided to go purely with girls in this project initially was because it seems Muslim women are greatly restricted and oppressed when it comes to doing many things, including getting an education or to even speak out and ask questions about religion. The idea of this school was to help freely educate girls even on topics such as religion.

I have considered allowing boys to enter the school as well though, as there probably isn't any real reason to restrict them from getting a good education too if they desired it, but I did find girls to be the priority.