milad un nabi banned in somalia

LUQ (Sh. M. Network) – the Islamic administration of Luq town in southern Somalia have formally banned the commemoration of Mowlid (the berth month of the prophet Muhammad) (Peace be Up on Him) for the people in the town, officials said on Sunday.

Sheik Hassan Al-iraqi, head of security of the Islamic administration in Luq town had read before the reporters two articles which he said that people in town were required to follow saying that two issues were: firstly the people of the town to be out of the former buildings of the Somali government and not to remember the Mowlid (the berth month of the prophet Muhamed) (Peace and Bless be Up on Him) in and around the town.

Sheik Al-iraqi told Shabelle radio that the commandments were good and important for the people in the town adding that the people were also required to be away from the sides of streets and markets of the town.

The official lastly said that the honor of Mowlid had no base for the Sharia law saying that all those articles would be conducted tomorrow asserting that who ever opposes the order would be taken a drastic step with the Sharia law.

Luq, is a town in gedo region in southern Somalia and controlled Islamic adminstration and there had been such orders imposed areas controlled by Al-shabab and Hizbul Islam organization in past year which caused fighting between the administration of Bardere town and other Islamist clerics on the refusal of honor of Mowlid, the berth month of prophet Muhamed (peace and Bless be Up on Him).


"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

I would have thought they would have better things to do that to concentrate on such minutae.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

have to remember the years of wars and killing the countryhas gone through and the fact that allot of the religous comm. are linked to a more rigorous and less sufistic thread of islam, even though its no xcuse but they see it as a reason for the overall plight of the muslims ie they have left quran and sunnah and thats why we r in the stat we r in. j

the fact that a lot of the religous comm. are linked to a more rigorous and less sufistic thread of islam

There is no such fact - the Somalis have historically been sufis and it is only now that the shabaab that are funded from abroad have some power that they are fighting this.

They were sufis before the wars but only now the Shabaab are more salafi oriented.

Either way, no matter what group is in charge, the actual imposition of control orders over wether Mawlid should or should not be celebrated should not be a job for the government to decide.

Since the shabaab are saudi oriented and that is where the money comes from, I cannot help but wonder where the order decided to come from...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

'maybe' youre right, they never have been there historically, but they're the ones their now, fighting, and in most cases controlling allot of areas so they r the de-facto people in charge there. and they think (wrongly) that milad is wrong. that is the basic situation. no need for orders from saudi. just look at the pakistani deoband ulema they dont need saudi orders they just think it is wrong no matter what evidence you bring them or how long you spend trying to convince them. sad situation but thats life.

thinking something is wrong and banning others from it are two different things.

I was probably wrong when I suggested orders from elsewhere, but in islamic governance when there are two opinions on a matter, IMO when prosecuting, the more lax version should be used EVEN IF the people in charge accept the more strict version.

Policing such events should not be the job of a government, but left for the citizens to do as they please.

I am just saying I disagree with their model of governance and see it causing problems. There are more important things to concentrate on for them. like lifting people out of poverty, providing peace and security.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.