Deviant Sect Series

Deviant sect 1: the modernists






Haven't bothered watching any of that but:


1. In the first video i see the letters "memri" in the corner - Not sure if that is something being quoted or something else, but those letters generally make lose credibility for whatever they are on - its an israeli group that are out to try and discredit Islam. Its videos are anti islam propaganda.

2. the guy in the screenshot in the second video is a muppet.

heard some of his ramblings before and he doesnt understand irony - when he is attacking others by quoting sources that describe exactly what he is doing.


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Haven't bothered watching any of that but:


1. In the first video i see the letters "memri" in the corner - Not sure if that is something being quoted or something else, but those letters generally make lose credibility for whatever they are on - its an israeli group that are out to try and discredit Islam. Its videos are anti islam propaganda.

2. the guy in the screenshot in the second video is a muppet.

heard some of his ramblings before and he doesnt understand irony - when he is attacking others by quoting sources that describe exactly what he is doing.



bbc is also a bad channel yet people watch the news on it, and good people come on it to ge their points across, jsut because the channels bad doesnt mena it isnt possible to ge t good people on it to get their emssage across same as the scenario in bbc w


what you call unit ywith the enemy is this




Deviant Sect series 2: sufi and shias








