A day with the Messenger (saw) - Saturday 16th February 2008


[b]A day with the Messenger (PBUH)[/b]

Baitul Hikmah humbly presents our February course on the title of A day with the Messenger (ص) which is going to be run by Shaykh Muhammad Sibbin of Damascus, Syria and Mufti Muhammad Umair Zulfiqar of London.

Inshallah the course will be on 16th of February 2008 at Madani Girls School, Myrdle St London E1 1HL, from 12pm to 5pm and it will be for brothers and sisters. There is a charge of £3 to be paid AT THE DOOR. You are all requested to REGISTER either by texting your name, age and mobile number, or you can call or email through our website. Inshallah lunch will be provided.


We hope to see you on the day

Baitul Hikmah


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