What will the latest iProduct be?

ok, so we are minutes away from apple unveiling a new gadget. Wonder what it will be...

the odds are on the announcement of a tablet pc - but without the pc-ness where you will be charged through the nose to pay for the product itself and then also for accessing content such as video, music and maybe even books.

Or it could be something totally different.

Rest assured, it will look good.

Edit - and it was the iPad, a tablet PC with the same operating system that the iPhone uses. A bigger iPhone, but without the phone bits.

(or an "iPod touch, but bigger" - that seems to be a more accurate description.)

I wonder how it will sell and if it will gain market traction.

For many people, something that surfs the web and allows them to check their email, or use other communication methods and allows them to store and see photos and also watch video is all they need a PC for.

A long battery life, a decent price and a good quality screen may allow Apple to have another hit on their hands. But there is a risk that people will find their computing habits a little too restricted.