Weak ahadith are still valid ahadith

Just something I want to clear up.

A hadith with a weak chain of narration is still a valid hadith. It is not rejected or found to be manufactured - those have different terms for them.

The best example in this is one of parents. If a parent goes weak will you disown them? no.

In the same way, you cant disown a hadith simply because its chain of narration is weak. The historical position is that they are used for guidance and benefits, but not for rules.

PS a weak hadith can rise to a stronger position even as far as hasan if there are other similar ahadith that support its position.

Disclaimer: I am not a scholar.


You wrote:

If a parent goes weak will you disown them? no.

Throw em in an old people’s home lol

My English is not very good

Shows your ethics and morality. they give you decades of their lives and fist chance you get you want to get rid of them.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

There are two authentic sources of information in Islam. 1) Holy Quran 2) Adith.
I just want to discuss only adith regarding the subject that weak adith also have some reference therefore it is meaningful but if you get adith with strong reference over specific topic. It would be acceptable.