so what if Miss USA is Muslim?

Being proud of "Muslim achievements" should only come into place when the achievements are a good and thing.

What will we have next - "best muslim barman"?

Muslims are supposed to compete in virtue, try to improve themselves, be better in doing good things, not in sin.

Besides, apart from maintaiming a good diet and exercise routine, many of the traits are genetic and not exactly personal achievements.

The guardian has an alternative list of le models that may be comdered more wholesome, more useful:



I'm sorry, but why is she a role model?

Does anyone else see her as a role model?

What did she do exactly?

eek, Im confused. As a Muslim - should she have participated?


Apparently it shows a different, "nicer, more human side" of Muslims.

On the other hand there are also some people who see her as "Miss Hezbolllah" and am attempt by subversive muslim organisations in trying to infiltrate western society and hoodwink naive citizens into thinking Muslims can be people they can get along with while we really are all in on a major plot to bri western cilistion down on its knees.

And I thought Muslim conspiracy theorists were bad! (Saying that, many muslim conspiracy theorists do seem to regurgitate ideas first thought of by christian groups in the US instead of coming up with something original)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Apparently it shows a different, "nicer, more human side" of Muslims.

Oh, my bad. I didn't realise Muslims were all evil and inhumane.

If you are going to be labelled as a Muslim, surely you have to reasons to justify why you call yourself a Muslim?

Non- Muslims will actually look at this and ask questions about why not everyone else can do this.


assalamu alaikum,

erm i saw still shots of her on news website apparently poll dancing before this contest. no offence intended but she looked far from beautiful, maybe an average looking woman. But then the comparison shot of her winning miss usa title, it was like she'd had plastic surgery. Even then i don't think she was beautiful enough physically to be deemed a beauty pageant, when compared with runners up.

I think it was a set up. Isn't it a coincidence with all the hate capaigns largely fuelled by usa media, we now have a muslim woman winning miss usa, and it gaining so much publicity? What set her apart from other candidates what was so great about her? I fear nothing other than the name tag "muslim".

It could be seen as a propaganda tool, to encourage those muslim women in usa without hijab not to wear it,and/or encourage those sisters weak in faith to remove it, because look at the importance beauty has in usa society, even muslim women are accepted/respected, how wonderful lets all say "cheese in unison!" and spread the superficial "love".

I hate the fact this miss usa candidate will be used to sexualise muslim women. it's bad enough that women in general are sexualised and used almost everywhere to sell a product. But to think that men in usa and other western countries will now be drooling or even thinking sexually about my sisters who don't conform to hijab standards makes me sick and angry!

SBF said something about why we should look up to her, sadly i fear that many young naive girls, especially teen muslimahs who lack religious guidance will look up to her. She represents the american dream with a muslim name not a muslim twist.

P.S depending on what madhab you follow you may say she is muslim but a sinner, but there are some schools that would call her an outright disbeliever. i would rather not refer to her as muslim. Why is it necessary? When girls born into christian families do this sort of thing in america all time, no one focuses on her religious background, but when a muslim woman does it that is the only focus? why did she thank Allah when she won her title, like christians say i just want to thank God for going platinum with my music album uff!

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

I think the titles can depend on context, location and rarity. Its about distinguishing and differentiating between people.

and for the loons to jump on - since she is shia and from Lebanon, she has earned the moniker of "Miss Hezbollah" from people who are afraid of Muslims taking voer everything...

I doubt it was something that was fixed or something insidious like that as well, that would require more thought. At most it would have been to court controversy - which is advertising and we are discussing it.

Like if you go to mexico, you would not need to mention that you met a mexican person. but if you say met someone in the UK, saying the person was mexican may be useful information to distinguish between individuals.

In the same way, in Muslim majority countries, if there is a christian, I would suspect that it would be mentioned simply because it is a distinguishing quality.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Well if she's shia then i really don't care what she does it's insignificant to me as a muslim.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]


I couldnt care less if miss USA is a muslim
I dont see the big deal
shes a grown woman she can do what she likes
I dont think her intntion is a to be a role model for muslims

and I DONT think its propaganda against the hijab

whta I dont understand is

why is everyone ok with miss world contestants UNLESS theyre from "muslim" countries or are muslims themselves
lets ogle at western women but not at our OWN because THATS wrong?!

you have a point there. But i dont think muslims are all for it. sure some of them dont care as long as non muslims as you said, but those who take religion seriously do mind and have always done so.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]