Disgrace becomes their destiny


"There are 3 things which demolish and destroy a civilisation:

1)Oppression 2)Lying 3)Cheating/fraud/deception 

It doesn't matter how many great leaders come to power, until these 3 qualities are present, no power of the world can grant them honour"



these sounds like very plausible reasons for the downfall of a nation, how did he compile that list? and chose that particular top three...


but somethign really struck me. his point that "politicians come later, our own people do this, the salesman, the mothers, the fathers" that hit me hard. everytime i think about a nation going down i think abt the people in charge of it. and now, now irealised the people in charge of it are a minority compared to the REST of the country. and Allah wouldnt make a whole country go into downfall because of a SMALL number of people. nope we go into downfall because MOST of us are doing wrong.

oh wouaw, amazing realisation...

so if i want to change the world, change the state of the nation, i need to start wtih myself, and the people around me. neighbours, family friends, siblings, friends etc... and those three points above, they're good points.

no lying, no deception, no oppressing.

deception and lying kinda are the same category no?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lying is verbal and deception can also be an act.

i think.


Back in BLACK

Your amazing realisation really is amazing!

I've never really thought about it in that way at all. We blame it on those who rule the country and sometimes they do have more power than us in terms of making decisions but the nation itself is reflected by the people who make it. 

And SubhanAllah the scholar was so right in what he was saying. We always focus on the BIG things, acts like fornication, drinking alcohol, etc yet we don't focus on individual charatertitics that could possily lead to our innerself destruction.

We ignore the importance of speaking the truth, not oppressing people and not deceiving them. The literal meaning of oppression in the West isn't always used in the right way.

Some think that our beliefs as Muslims are oppressive and what they don't realise is that Islam emphasises that we should help those who are oppressed in the first place.

And to my knowledge lying is when you deliberately say something incorrect instead of what it is right and deceiving is when you hide the truth and chose not to reveal it.

This video is what the world needs to see and the world needs to listen to what this scholar has to say for his words are so true and honest and reaaaaaaal.

Just to say, I quite like his Urdu.