How does Islam make you a good person?


I would really appreciate some in-depth answers to this question please.


Its a tricky question for me as I rarely think about such things and just drift through life... but I will attempt.

I think its multifaceted through a combination of communal rights and responsibilities along with personal rights and responsibilities.

Justice is important. Islam promotes this, and since the west has taken this up quite seriously, and while this is not perfect, the west has progressed a lot. Unfortunately, in the same time it seems that the Muslim world has decide to not uphold this as much and now justice there can be arbitrary

and a person is reminded that even when justice may not occurr in this world, it will in the hereafter.

There is also an aspect of training - the brain can be trained like another muscle, and things like ramadan train for patience, which we may not always practice.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I find it a really difficult conversation to have with an athiest who believes that intrinsic motivation is stronger than extrinsic. I gave a very in depth reply about my personal gain from religion but I struggled with what is the right answer to give and how do I feel. So I wanted your guys opinion to help me become more confident in my own answer too!


You wrote:

and a person is reminded that even when justice may not occurr in this world, it will in the hereafter.


I guess that is important


i like the way you called us back to your thread when no one replied. i read this but i didnt know exactly what you were askign as there was nothing else apart from the question.
i think its all very personal how islam affect each of us and your answer im sure must have been pretty good coz it was somethign you lived.

i'll give it a go now, sorry if its not very helpful.

islam makes me a better person because i believe its a perfect way of life and it has answers to everything and i know that whatever i learn there that is truly from islam and that is correct will be right for the world at large. it will make the world a better place if i implement the things frmo Islam and it will make ME a better person. Also there's that assurance that whatever "catchphrase morals" given are correct and arent just something from someone's mind based on their little life experience. its something that WILL work in whatever conditions because God said it.

"lead by example" is one of the morals i try to incorporate in my life. this is the way Allah wants things to be done and is the way the prophet sallAllahu'alaihiwassalaam did it.

being just and fair even if it means speaking against yourself or close friends/family member. this is another morals that i try to live by.

i cnt think right now of an ambiguous statement. but if i do come across anything i'll let you know.
its really difficult to explain and im not sure anyone will get the above. sorry.
i just went on facebook to try and explain my point better ( iget all those motivational/uplifiting picture quote meme things there)

so here's one "your beliefs don't make you a better person. your behaviour does."

i totally agree with this and its also something that is validated by Islam. so i can keep on believing it and assimilating it into my life and feel confident its correct. though on a side note i would say that with the correct beliefs, the correct behaviour will come.

"as i look back on my life, i realise that every time i thought i was being rejected from something good, i was actually being re-directed to something better" - here this one. some might agree and the opposite can also be said right? but thing is, in islam we're told that this is true. whatever happens is for the best for us and so i agree with this quote and make it part of my life.

i dont take my life  from quotes. but quotes make me think abt how i view life and what i would or wouldnt know in particular situations.

if ithink of a personal experience where islam helped me make it through and made me a better person after it i'll come back on here and post it.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

you sound like a marxist.

Islam didnt copyright good manners. it taught it. Islam is our basic setting. aka Fitrah.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Okay, how does Islam make me a good person? I think it stems down to the behaviours, etiquettes and mannerisms which we are taught to have and those that we should avoid and shouldn't have.

Following what is commanded or taught will make you a good person and not following them would make you a 'bad person'.

Islam teaches you what's good, what is liked and what to do to please oneself, others and our Lord and doing that would make you a good person, right?

(I don't know why i'm finding it hard to answer this question!)

But here are some of the responses from The Revival's Facebook Page: 

'Allah has taught us the enlightened way to His paradise inshaa Allah. Be good to the Creator and His Creation. Whatever is harmful for us, Allah has already forbidden us from it. Any trial in life? Allah is testing your love, so be patient. Happy times, be yes be a person of Allah and life is all good inshaa Allah'.

'It's by standing for what's right regardless of who you're standing up against'.

'By teaching you good manners I.e. how to treat others'.

'By teachin u to do sabr and shukr at all tyms'.


Because Islam teaches and emphises good mannerisms towards not only family, friends but neighbours and society. Our conduct with other people etc.

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