MuslimMarriageEvents's blog

American Muslims mix modern, traditional routes to marriage

A mosque in northeast Sacramento recently hosted a speed-dating event for 48 singles looking for love American Muslim style.

Every four minutes, the men played musical chairs, moving one seat to their left to chat up the next woman across the table. Each took notes on whether they'd like to continue the conversation.

Call it "speed mating" – Muslims don't date without chaperones and aren't allowed to have premarital sex. Dancing, kissing and drinking also are off limits...

Open Muslim Marriage Event Ilford London 8th January 2011

Open Muslim Marriage Event Ilford London 8th January 2011

This event is open to all Muslims (72 Males - 72 Females, limited availability).

Our aim is to organise events where Muslim brothers and sisters can meet each other, solely for the purpose of seeking an ideal Muslm marriage partner.

Male Ticket - £59.00
Female Ticket - £59.00
Chaperone Ticket - £35.00