Chapter Six, Seven, Eight and Nine ( IS a summary..)

ok, now that i started i gotta finish, im stupid like that, i would even finish reading a stupid book, for the sole reason that i started it. So..euh..sorry for hogging the "recent blogposts" thingy. just two more to go.

Chapter Six: the virtues of Loving and Hating for Allah.

1) Allah the magnificient, loves those who love one another for his sake

The prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah, the Most High, said:
My love is due for those who love one another for My sake..." (Reported by Ahmad
[5/229], al-Haakim [4/169] and others from the hadith of 'Ubaadah ibnas-Saamit,
radiyAllahu 'anhu, and it is saheeh.)

2) Those who have mutual love for Allah’s sake will be under the shade of the throne of the most merciful (ar-rahmaan) on the day when there will be no shade except His shade.

Pretty comprehensive, plus I’ve already mentioned the hadith in previous chapter

3) Those who have mutual love for Allah’s sake will be upon pillars of light on the day of resurrection.

The prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent,
says: Those who have mutual love for the sake of My Glory will have pillars of
light and will be envied by the prophets and martyrs." (Reported by at-Tirmidhee
[no.2390] and Ahmad [5/236-237]. Its isnaad is saheeh)

Envied by the prophets and martyrs…what don’t those suicide bombers follow this hadith?

4) Those who have mutual love for Allah’s sake will have no fear, nor will they grieve

"No doubt! Verily, on the friends (awliyaa') of Allah there is no fear, nor shall
they grieve." [Surah Yoonus (10):62]

5) Loving for Allah’s sake leads to tasting the sweetness of Eeman

The prophet (pbuh) said "Whoever would like to taste the sweetness of eemaan then let him
love a person, not loving him except for Allah's sake." (Reported by Ahmad
[2/298], al-Hakim [1/3 and 4/168] and others. From Abu Hurayrah, radyiAllahu
'anhu, and is isnaad is hasan)

6) Loving and Hating for Allah’s sake is from the completion of Eeman.

The prophet (pbuh) said: "He who loves for Allah and hates for Allah, and gives for Allah and
withholds for Allah - has perfected eemaan." (Reported by Abu Dawud [Eng.trans.
3/1312/no.3664] from Abu Umaamah and its isnaad is hasan. It is reported by at-
Tirmidhee [2521] and Ahmad [3/438, 440]. So the hadith is saheeh by combination of
its chains and witnesses).

7) Loving for Allah’s sake leads to Paradise.

The prophet (pbuh) said: "You will not enter Paradise until you believe (have eemaan) and you
will not believe until you have mutual love. Shall I not guide you to something
which if you carry out you will have love for one another. Spread (the greeting
of) 'as-Salaam' amongst yourselves." (Reported by Muslim [Eng. trans.

i'm pretty sure i mentionned this hadith previously..

Chapter Seven: What should the Muslim who loves his brother do?

1) He should go to his house and inform him

The prophet (pbuh) said: "When one of you loves his companion then let him go to him in his
house and tell him that he loves him for the sake of Allah, the Mighty and
Magnificent." (Reported by 'Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak in az-Zuhd [no.712] and
Abdullah ibn Wahb in al-Jaami [pg.36]. Its isnaad is saheeh.)

Read that? Ok. Go do it. NOW! i dont care if the person lives in B'ham! GO! could just text?

And if the person knows that you love them they wont get upset when you correct them or tell them about something that they didn’t know about.

2) Desiring that the love for Allah’s sake should persist

here you should make duah and hope that this friendship last.

Chapter Eight: Obstacles in the Path of Loving for Allah

This chapter is about how, when you love someone for Allah, and you commit a sin, then your companion might distance himself from you. And that separation will be enough of a punishment for that sin.

Chapter Nine: what should the muslim says when his brother informs him that he loves him?

“"May the one for whose sake you have loved me, love you." (ahabbakal-ladhee ahbabtanee feehi)”