As i see it's blog

EU Referendum

Referendum to either remain or leave the EU

We have just had a referendum to either remain or leave the EU, this as divided the UK, by regions, ages and classes, not to mention the political establishment.

The vote was close 48.1% to stay 51.9% to leave. A majority of about 8% majority to leave.

David Cameron as resigned, leaving the Conservative Party to pick a new leader and hopefully get their act together before debating with Brussels on our exit terms.

The Labour Party [elite] is playing the blame game and blaming Jeremy Corbyn. Seeking a vote of no confidence and to have a new leader more acceptable to who, the elites, or the people?

How to be a Millionaire.

How to be a Millionaire?

I was thinking I bought my first pint of beer too many years to remember. I paid 1/11d in old money, about 10p into days money. Today in my local I paid £3.20 a pint.

This represents a 3200% increase.

I bought my first house for £6000, since moved on. But I noticed the house that I once owned was on the market for £200k.

This represents a 3333% increase

I bought my first new car for the princely sum of £800. A similar car with a much higher specification and economy [30mpg to 55mpg] I can now buy this car for £9500

This represents a 1187% increase

So with a combination of interest, inflation and time we can all become millionaires.

Are people like computers?

Are people like computers?

Just a thought, are we humans a bit like computers.

1] The box that houses the computer comes in all shapes, sizes and colours. Just like humans.

2] We have a hard drive, it’s called a brain and it resides in our skull. The brain controls most of the essential functions of the body. Doing so without us even thinking about them. Just like the main processor in the hard drives operating system.

3] We see, hear, touch, taste and smell by the use of our external sensors, The computer receives information from its external sources. We do have the extra advantage of having the use of logic, gut feeling and some might say a disadvantage the feelings of guilt and compassion.

Some thoughts on the debate, EU Stay or Leave, plus some links you might find interesting.

My nephew asked me what my thoughts were on the stay/remain refferendum. This is a copy of the E=mail i sent him.

Some thoughts on the debate, EU Stay or Leave, plus some links you might find interesting.

As I said my views are still uncertain, one view is to vote leave to embarrass the government, who probably thought that they would have not won the election, at least not outright, so would not have needed to call a referendum.

My other view was not to have joined in the first place, remaining with EFTA, as the EEC which was to have been simply a trading club, [so we were told] and not as we found out later, a political union. As I said when we had a similar referendum in 1973 I voted to leave. 

The House of Saud

For the first time the BBC ran and article [once[ on the news criticises what the Saudis are up to in Yemen. This led me to do a little research, it appears that the House of Saud is getting a lot of criticsm. Could this be the start of the fall House of Saud? Still the UK can always give them asylum if needed.

Saudi 'economic bomb': Running out of money

Saudi Arabia may have to start taxing its people

Now Saudi Arabia can't pay for all those benefits. It ran a deficit of nearly $100 billion last year and expects something similar this year, if not worse.

Maundy Thursday saw the Pope washing feet of a few people

We are now into Holy week, Maundy Thursday saw the Pope washing feet of a few people [including a few bemused migrants] Our Queen as stopped doing this many years ago and gives out specially minted money instead.

We stripped the alter in our Church after having a service which symbolises the betrayal of Jesus, by his trusted disciples, to the legal Authorities?  Leaving their leader to face the consequence on his own.

Good Friday will be a quiet day with a simple mass and a talk about the show trial and execution of Jesus.

Some thoughts on the Revival Webb site

Some thoughts on the Revival Webb site

Some thoughts on the Revival Webb site, I have dropped by on this site for some time now and found it most interesting. I accept its main aim to reach a Muslim audience who are mainly in their teens and twenties.

As the Magazine says on its front page “Voice of the Muslim Youth”. The magazine goes back to 2005. I have looked through articles in the magazine, finding some both controversial, yet thought provoking. But don’t take my word for it have a look for yourself.

Immigration and movements within the EU

France Wants all Travelling EU Nationals Fingerprinted

French authorities are calling for EU-wide rules requiring travelling EU nationals to give their fingerprints and possibly also have their faces scanned.

The proposal, which is part of a much larger digital dragnet known as the ‘smart borders’ package, was discussed at an EU interior ministers meeting in Luxembourg on Thursday (8 October)..

Is your Faith Strong enough to listen to other views on Religion?

Is your Faith Strong enough to listen to other views on Religion?

I came across a U-Tube video with Stephen Fry being asked question on RTE about what will happen when he dies and does God exist.

He raised some issues that made one think. The usually questions, Why does God allow bad things to happen? Also if God did exist and was so perfect he could have done a better job of it.

Next I came across a U-Tube video countering is, Stephen Fry’s argument, which is also a Humanist argument. But from a Muslim viewpoint, that I found interesting
