The 10th Of Muharam


The 9th and 10th of Muharam is likely to be this Friday and Saturday. As we all know the Prophet (pbuh) recommended that Muslims fast on the 9th and the 10th of Muharram.
Although these arent obligatory fasts, like Ramadan. They are still greatly recommended by the Prophet (pbuh) as he fasted on these dates and asked his followers to do so. So its sunnah to fast on this day.
This date is significant for two reasons:
1) In rememberance of the martyrdom of Husayn Ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet (pbuh) at the battle of karbala.
2) In rememberance of the Prophet Moses (as) victory of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Jewish people also fast on this date, but as the Prophet (pbuh) believed we, as Muslims had more right to Prophet Moses (as) than they did, so we should fast for two days.
Who else is fasting on this day? And if you do fast, please remember the people of Gaza in your prayers.



I thought it was thursday n friday

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

The 1st of Muharam was on the 15th of November therefore the 9th and 10th is on this Friday, Saturday.

And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.

yep that works.

You know what I think is weird? How everyone argues about moon sightings for ramadhan and eid, and all the other months just flow nicely. Does anyone look at the moon for them?!


"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:

yep that works.

You know what I think is weird? How everyone argues about moon sightings for ramadhan and eid, and all the other months just flow nicely. Does anyone look at the moon for them?!


True. However the sighting of the moon is not required for the rest of the year. Its only when it comes to Eid and Ramadan that its a prerequisite that the moon be seen by the eye. Im sure theres some logic or wisdom to it.

And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.

Funny how pious muslims have killed even more pious muslims in Rawalpindi ?

Could it be that we dont care about shias ?


What rank and file poppycock


Abu wrote:

Funny how pious muslims have killed even more pious muslims in Rawalpindi ?

Could it be that we dont care about shias ?

What rank and file poppycock


“I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”


- Malcolm X

And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.

what time do i break the fast, i live in england

nishath wrote:

what time do i break the fast, i live in england

google search sunset and whatever town/city you live in (for tomorrow, if it gives you today's)

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi