British Terrorism Act
For the full text of the BRITISH TERRORISM ACT click here
On the 19th of February 2001 the British Government issued a new law of terrorism, which is aimed at Muslims and Islamic Movements and their activities.
The Terrorism Act is a law put forward by this government in order to curb the spread of the fastest growing religion on Earth and to brand many Muslims and Islamic Movements as Terrorists. Under the Act a Muslim doing his/her duty of defending Muslim life, honour and property could be put in prison for life. Even fund-raising or supporting those working to liberate Muslim land could make you a terrorist or a supporter of terrorism.
With increasing media attacks and government campaigns against Islam, public opinion is such that any Muslim who helps to spread Islam or support Muslims has already been branded an extremist or fundamentalist fanatics in the eyes of many in the West. In addition Modern films and media instil in the minds of viewers that it is Muslims who are the enemy whereas in reality we know it is the Western governments who perpetrate terrorism such as:
- In the unilateral bombing of Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998,
- The evil sanctions against and the bombing of the innocent people of Iraq,
- The terrorist support shown for the Russians in Chechnya,
- The support for the Jews as they exile thousands of Palestinians from their homeland and
- The silence as the Indian army massacre the Muslims in Kashmir.
The list is a long one
The definition of a terrorist under the Act however is a Muslim who is trying to fulfil his obligations and to follow the Shari'ah. Verily Allah (swt) says in the Quran: 'fight in the name of Allah those who fight you .' however according to the new Act if a Muslim obeys this command then he is a terrorist.
Hence the Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir and Chechnya will inadvertently all be labelled as terrorists as well.
This Act has been debated for many months but it was given a low profile and minimal public discussion as the term "terrorist" seemed to exclude the majority of people, however it seems that those really being targeted by this Act are Muslims and the Islamic way of life (Ideology).
When this act comes into force in February of this year any officer of law will be able to arrest any Muslim involved in any way with Jihad at will which could set a precedent where it could become commonplace to discriminate against Muslims -&- Islam. This new law is unique in that any Muslim accused of "terrorism" will have many so-called human and civil rights taken away despite the provisions of the Human rights Act passed in October 2000.
It will attempt at restricting you from following the Qur'an and the Sunnah especially with regard to the obligations concerning Jihad.
Allah (SWT) tells us to fight for Islam and defend the Muslims Verily Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an: "Fight in the name of Allah those that fight you ." [TMQ 2:190]
If you outwardly support, whether verbally or financially, the struggle for freedom in Kashmir, Palestine, Sudan or any Muslim country suffering atrocities YOU WILL BE COMMITING AN OFFENCE!
If you Attend a Jummah Khutba given by someone belonging to a prescribed organisation YOU WILL BE COMMITING AN OFFENCE!
In addition you will be required, under the new law, to walk out of the mosque if the Imam talks about supporting Jihad in Kashmir, Palestine etc and you will be required to report the Imam to the Police!
Would I be allowed to attend a demonstration in support of Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, and Chechnya etc?
Under Section 1 you could face 10 years imprisonment if you defend the honour of another Muslim through a demonstration or any public awareness event, protest or raise public anger or awareness against the actions or atrocities Muslims face in some countries. (for example demonstrations about Palestine, Kashmir, Sudan, Iraq etc ) if they are organised by proscribed organisations.
What if I have a friend belonging to an Islamic organisation?
Section 3 states that you or your organisation will be added to the list of "known Terrorists / terrorist supporters" at will by the government if you know and associate with or are sympathetic to an organisation or person that is working to help Muslims abroad through Jihad.
What if I am a member of an Islamic organisation?
Section 11 states that if you are a member of a Terrorist group or organisation this carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years upon conviction if you show by your actions or say that you belong to such a group. (This might be inferred by attending talks, discussions, events etc of proscribed organisations).
What if I attend a meeting or a public talk on Islam organised by an Islamic group?
Section 12 states that if you support a Terrorist group or organisation, you could face up to 10 years imprisonment if: You invite a named person or organisation to your home, school, work, community club or if such a person addresses you, if you give money, funding or help to such an organisation or if you meet with any member of such an organisation. A meeting can be three or more people in the same place at the same time whether in private or public.
What if I wear a "Palestinian" scarf?
Section 13 states that you can get a fine or a maximum prison sentence of 6 months if: You wear any clothing or accessory that could associate you with a named organisation. (You could be associated with a "banned" Islamic group (eg: Hamas) and therefore arrested.
What if I send Zakat to Muslims in Kashmir, Palestine etc?
Sections 14,15,16,17,18 state that it is illegal to: Collect, give, receive, handle, use, possess, and conceal money or property, which is likely to be used for "Terrorism" including Mosque collections and sending/collecting money to your family here or abroad if they are forced to defend themselves against the attacks of oppressors. This also covers dealing with money or property on behalf of others which is likely to be used for "Terrorism".
What if a relative is a member of an Islamic organisation?
Sections 19,20,21 state that it is illegal if you do not: Inform/co-operate or help the police/authorities with any person you think is involved in their so-called "terrorism". E.g. by saying that your dad/ brother/sister etc is collecting money to help other Muslims in Jihad.
What if one Police Officer feels that you might be "suspicious"because of the way you dress or behave?
The bill also states that: You can be arrested or searched without warrant. That your property or wealth could be seized simply on suspicion. (i.e. you would be guilty until you can prove that you are innocent.) And if convicted you could face a prison sentence of up to 14 years.
As you can see this new law is a carefully orchestrated plan to eliminate Muslims and true Islam from the world by tying our hands from helping those who are in a desperate situation. This new law will aid them in trying to stamp out Islam if we don't do anything about it.
Oh Muslims, this very legislation is endeavouring to prevent us from practising our Deen (Islam). The Muslims are the ones who are being targeting because Islam is the only belief in the world that has a complete way of life giving us rules and regulations for all issues including how to dress, to fight, and to rule over the people and is the only alternative to the hegemony of man made law, Capitalism and Communism. This law
aims at making the Muslims vulnerable and subservient to the law of the land and for Muslims to leave their deen. And Allah (swt) has already warned us in the Quran: "The Jews and Christians will never be satisfied with you until they take you away from your Deen (Islam)".
We encourage all brothers and sisters to make everyone aware of the hidden agenda behind this act. It is time for the Muslims to wake up, to forget our petty differences and work together to speak out and fight for our survival as Muslims in the UK.