What's he chattin' about?
Words used in this issue of the magazine
Prescribed etiquette, both inward and outward – a way of living in Islam. It is the deep courtesy observed in acts of worship as the person is aware that he is constantly dependent on and in the presence of Allah (swt).
The Next World, what is on the other side of death, the Hereafter, the dimension of existence after this world.
A cave in a mountain known as Jabal an-Nur or the Mount of Light, two miles north of Makkah. This is where the Prophet (pbuh) used to go to retreat and where he received his first Revelations through the Angel Jibra’il.
A sacred state in which one is prohibited to practice certain deeds that are lawful at other times. The ceremonies of Umrah and Hajj are performed in this state. While in this state a male must wear a white, seamless, two-piece garment and females must wear any Islamic clothing as long as it is white and the face and hands are uncovered.
a person’s state of faith at the moment of death.
The scales or balances set up to weigh people’s actions on the Day of Judgement.
the hastening in the Tawaf (the circumambulation of the Ka’ba), a way of walking briskly accompanied by movements of the arms and legs to show one’s physical strength. This is to be observed in the first three rounds of Tawaf, and is to be done by the men only and not by the women.
Also called Sirat al-Jahim (The Bridge of Hell), the narrow bridge which spans the Fire and must be crossed by ever person on the Day of Judgement to enter Paradise. It is described as sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair. People who performed good deeds in their lives will cross it easily but those who sinned will fall and burn.
The chant of the pilgrim, saying “Labbayk” (“At Your Service”) during the Hajj or Umrah.
Confidently putting one’s unshakeable trust and reliance in Allah (swt). It is trusting absolutely that Allah (swt) will be just and merciful and provide for His servants.
Allah knows Best.