Terrorism Has No Religion
The London terror attacks were a nasty piece of work by sick, pathetic, blood-sucking idiots. These attacks were a massive crime against humanity. This was a job carried out by crackpots who have no value for human life.
They wanted to kill anyone and everyone- black, white, brown, pink, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Atheist. These kind of people, and those behind them, need to be caught and punished big time!
So ‘who-dunnit’ is what everyone wants to know. The favourites are always Al-Qaeeda whether it was them or not. It seems that British Muslims were behind these terrorist attacks. And you know what that means don’t ya? Islam and EVERY SINGLE Muslim is put on trial.
We are given the dirty looks, our mosques and centres are attacked, our mothers and sisters in hijab are assaulted and abused- we become the victims!!!! We have to prove to everyone that we’re not terrorists, we have to prove that we love England, we have to prove we are normal. Muslims and Islam should not have to pay for these attacks- it should be the terrorists who have no religion.
Lets not forget that an estimated 1 million Muslims live in London. Lets not forget that 1 in 7 people in London is a Muslim. Let’s not forget that a lot of the injured from the blasts were Muslims. Let’s not forget that a Muslim girl, Shahara Akther Islam, was killed in the bomb blasts.
Let’s not forget that like the rest of Britons, Muslims have families and friends who have been caught up in these attacks and have had to go through hell worrying about their loved ones.
Let’s also not forget that almost every mosque, organisation and scholar in the UK have openly condemned the attacks and have aired their anger, shock and sadness. AFTER ALL THIS WE STILL HEAR TERMS SUCH AS ‘ISLAMIC TERRORIST’ AND ‘MUSLIM TERRORIST’. Let me say it again- terrorism has no religion.
I was encouraged to hear DAC Brian Paddick of the Metropolitan Police at the Press conference on the day of the bomb blasts state that ‘Islam and terrorism are two different and opposite things. Islam is a peaceful faith and has nothing to do with terrorism. Muslims who are terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.’
Let’s get one thing straight right here, right now. Every religion and ideology has its extremists. Now, the Oklahoma bomber was a fundamentalist Christian, so should all Christians and the religion of Christianity have to pay for it? Does it mean Christianity is a violent religion that encourages violence and terrorism?
Of course not. The IRA represent the Catholic Christians, so does that mean every time they carry out terrorist attacks then all Catholics should become scapegoats? Should all Catholic churches be attacked? Of course not!
Does it mean when Jews have been carrying out terrorism in the name of Israel, Zionism and Judaism, that all Jews are terrorists, that Judaism promotes violence and encourages terrorism? Of course not.
In the same way Islam has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism. Some misguided and extremist individuals have hijacked Islam. Karen Armstrong, a non-Muslim author on Islam confirms this by saying:
‘Islamic law outlaws war against any country in which Muslims are allowed to practice their religion freely, and forbids the use of fire, the destruction of buildings and the killing of innocent civilians in a military campaign. So although Muslims, like Christians or Jews, have all too often failed to live up to their ideals, it is not because of the religion per se.’ (The Guardian. July 11, 2005 )
If something positive has come out of these attacks then I would say it has created an opportunity for everyone in Britain to have a closer look at the true teachings of Islam. A chance to speak to sincere scholars, to visit the mosques, to pick up a copy of the Quran and discuss Islam with educated Muslims.
Also these attacks should not divide the British public away from Muslims, but it should do the opposite. It should bring us even more closer together. To help each other through these difficult times. To understand each other and to bridge the gap between the communities.
Islam has been hijacked by an extremist minority and the Muslim community in Britain wishes to claim its religion back and demonstrate to our fellow country men and women what the true image of Islam is. To do this we must not listen to the extremists but sit down and talk to one another and build bridges.
If we close our selves off this will only alienate us and will give the extremists more ammunition. So please people, lets stand together against these evil people and show that we will not bow to their demands, we are British and a UNITED Kingdom.
Britain is home to almost 2 million Muslims. Muslims have contributed a lot to the British way of life.
Britain Is Our Home Too. We will not let the terrorists destroy our country!