Is the Religion of Islam True or False?
If we would like to know whether a religion is true or false, we should not depend on our emotions, feelings, or traditions. Rather, we should depend on our reason and intellect.
When God sent the prophets, He supported them with miracles and evidences which proved that they were truly prophets send by God and that the religion they came with was true.
The true religion can be found by answering three questions:
1. What is truly the literal word of God, revealed by God?
2. Who was truly the last prophet sent by God?
3. What truly is the religion from God?
1. What is truly the literal word of God, revealed by God?
The literal word of God, revealed by God was revealed 14 centuries ago. It mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. It is beyond reason that anyone fourteen hundred years ago would have known these facts discovered or proven only recently with advanced equipment and sophisticated scientific methods.
Since the literal word of God was revealed by God, no one has been able to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the literal word of God in their beauty, eloquence, splendor, wise legislation, true information, true prophecy and other perfect attributes. The smallest chapter in the literal word of God is only ten words, yet no one has ever been able to meet a challenge to produce the like of it, then (1400 years ago) or today.
The verses in the literal word of God mention future events which have later come to pass. The literal word of God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. How could anyone have possibly known these stages 1400 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered these stages using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist 1400 years ago. The literal word of God describes the structure of mountains that modern geology has only recently confirmed.
The literal word of God mentions the origin of the universe. Someone who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not be in a position to find out from his own mind that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.
The literal word of God describes the cerebrum. Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last 60 years. The literal word of God describes the barrier between the seas and rivers. This information has been discovered only recently, using advanced equipment. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet nor the division of water in estuaries.
The literal word of God describes the structure of clouds that meteorologists and scientists have only recently come to know. Their modern ideas on meteorology were dominant 14 centuries ago when the literal word of God was revealed.
2. Who was truly the last prophet sent by God?
When God challenged those in doubt, to produce one chapter like the chapters in the literal word of God. Some of the disbelievers who were enemies of the last prophet tried to meet this challenge in order to prove that this prophet was not a true prophet, but they failed to do so.
This failure was despite the fact that the literal word of God was revealed in their own language and dialect. In addition, the people at the time of the last prophet were very eloquent people who used to compose beautiful and excellent poetry, still read and appreciated today.
Many miracles were performed by the last prophet by God's permission. These miracles were witnessed by many people. Before his mission as a prophet, the last prophet had no financial worries.
As a successful and reputed merchant, the last prophet drew a satisfactory and comfortable income. After his mission as a prophet and because of it, he became worse off materially. Two months would pass without lighting a fire in his house to cook a meal, with nothing to sustain him but dates and water.
His matress on which he slept was made of leather and stuffed with the fiber of the date palm tree. He used to milk his own goat, mend his own clothes, repair his own shoes, help with the household work, and visit poor people when they got sick.
An envoy of the disbelieving leaders offered him money to be the richest, leadership to be the leader, and a kingdom to be a king and the last prophet refused it all.
If we compare the life of the last prophet before his mission as a prophet to his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that the last prophet was a false prophet, who claimed prophet-hood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.
3. What truly is the religion from God?
The true religion from God must contain as it's pillars the literal word of God and the last true prophet. Therefore, we must seek the religion that stands on these pillars.
The only religion available today that stands on these pillars "Is the fasted growing religion in America. It's a guide and a pillar of stability for many of America's people." - Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"The followers of this religion are the world's fastest growing group." - USA Today
"This religion is the fastest growing religion in the country." - Newsday
"This religion is the fastest growing religion in the United States." - New York Times
This phenomenal growth indicates that this religion is truly a religion from God.
It is unreasonable to think that so many people converted to this religion without careful consideration and deep contemplation before concluding that this religion is true. These Americans come from all classes, races and walks of life.
They include scientists, professors, philosophers, journalists, song artists, athletic stars, pastors, ministers, members of the armed forces just to name a few.