Why the UN is in Peril?
As Iraq demonstrates greater cooperation with the UN inspectors, the war drums of Bush and Blair are beating louder, but yet simultaneously they argue of their innocence and honourable intention of seeking peace rather then war!
The US now says it will go it alone if there is a veto in the Security Council upon a tabled second resolution authorising war. America and pro-war coalition are insisting that the UN is in peril unless Iraq complies with the UN resolution but simultaneously they are prepared to act in a unilateral manner without the legitimate authorisation of the UN.
Such unashamed hypocrisy are now being veiled under the convenient construction of terms like go it alone. The following points therefore seeks to argue that the real danger to the United Nations is its very own dictatorial structure and the policies of the United States.
a) Dictators of the Security Council
From its inception the core power structure of the UN i.e. the security council was designed to reflect the interests of the powerful nations rather then fairly represent all the civilisations and cultures of the world. Entire continent of Africa, South America, one billion Indian, and the entire Islamic world has practically no voice in the security council.
It is ironic since some of the members of this security council are the most ardent advocates of democratic representation and yet continue to uphold the legitimacy of the UN security council.
Furthermore the US has been fostering and supporting many of the most undemocratic regimes in the world. When Kuwait was liberated, it was the monarchy that was reinstalled by the US, with the blessing of the UN, rather then a democratic institution!
All these actions really exposes the real sordid nature of these nations, as they try and cover their debased desire to colonise and control material resources under the veil of exporting democracy.
Even their own citizens are wondering about the sanctity of democracy, as the governments continue to totally disregard the massive mass opposition at home in favour of its corporate donors and the motivated war hawks.
Some would argue however that the Security Council also consists of ten other members from the international community. Yet without the right of veto, coupled with the temporary membership of two years, this presence is merely a token gesture, used more often to deflect criticism of the security council. Besides which, when one considers the amount of horse-trading, threats and bribery which the big powers routinely conduct as part of their diplomatic procedure.
To reform the UN to reflect all the civilisations and cultures across the world, would acquire real legitimacy in the eyes of the weaker countries and the permanent members would have to stop their devious diplomatic practices.
b) The constant abuse of the Veto
America has consistently used her veto power in the UN should any resolution seek to criticize her or her clients such as Israel, disregarding any principles of justice or morality.
This has gone to such an extent that many commentators have pointed out that Israel is beyond criticism internationally and is above all forms of international law. Those on the receiving end of such policies, whether Muslim or non-Muslim have suffered terribly. There seems to be no room for the principal of democracy and mass representation as far as the U.S. veto is concerned.
Now we see the grotesque arrogance displayed even towards others (France, Russia) who posses the same right of veto. For such nations to exercise the veto has somehow become unreasonable. So we have a new amendment to the security council, the veto only becomes reasonable when it complies with the interest of US and UK! Why not simply remove France, China and Russia and leave the international community in charge - the Corporate-US and her sidekick the British government. To some it may sound familiar like the vision of the world domination by Adolf Hitler under the Third Reich!
c) Selectivity is Barbarity!
Resolutions should applied chronologically as they are issued, rather then selectively to suit the interest of leading nations. The selective forceful application of the UN and International Law against a particular culture illustrates prejudice and racism!. It simply discredit the UN as a fair and an independent organisation.
Many resolutions have been sitting on the UN shelf long before 1991. Recently proponents of the pro-war camp have resorted to spreading blatant lies regarding the notion of Chapter 7 and the mandatory resolution.
They have implied that somehow all the previous resolutions passed have not been mandatory, since they were not passed under chapter 7. How convenient that this information is leaked when the world is questioning the selective application of UN resolutions targeting a specific culture and civilisation!
d) Accountability
A real test of the integrity and fairness of a organisation is when it is able to demonstrate the rule of law, and bring the rich and the powerful to its submission as well as the poor and the weak.
The US has been violating the UN charter from its very inception, whilst it continues to lecture the world day and night. Since 1945 America has bombed over 45 countries without declaring war. Such acts constitute terrorism at its highest level. For example, the unprovoked attack on Sudans only pharmaceutical factory by the Clinton administration was never brought forward to be properly accounted before the UN.
This act constituted a blatant violation of the charter of the UN. Many lives were lost directly and indirectly from this attack , yet the UN failed miserably to account the U.S. No resolution was tabled and even if it was brought forward, it would have most likely been vetoed by the US. One can go further by listing countless more examples, like the refusal of U.S. to join ICJ (International Court of Justice); the deliberate shooting down of an Iranian passenger plane; the inhuman treatment of the prisoners in Guantamo-bay; the massacre carried out in Mazar-e-Sherif, and crimes committed by the present government of Israel with the direct approval of the US government.
Even now in Iraq the US is violating her sovereignty, by the arbitrary imposition of the no-fly zone, for which there are no UN resolutions passed, whilst hypocritically dictating to Iraq to be complaint with 1441!
It seems like the US simply can chose to ignore or veto its way through the UN, while the organisation itself cannot bring to account its most powerful member. Until this is addressed, the UN will remain a convenient cover for the US to exploit, dictate and bully the rest of the world.
e) Independence of Nations
For the UN to function in the interest of peace and security, it must ensure all the nations are able to operate as independent states, without being coerced or threatened or bribed.
This is exactly what the US has been doing relentlessly behind the scenes in the present Iraq crisis, as well as in the previous Gulf war. It has written the debts of Bulgaria in order to persuade her to vote in favour of pro-war resolutions, and has been either bribing or bullying other weaker and poorer nations within the security council.
This is a criminal action, similar to bribing a judge or blackmailing him with various threats, which has turned the UN into either a rubber stamp for American foreign policy where convenient and pliant, or a hollow structure incapable of defending any notion of justice.
Yamin Zakaria UK, London