What Can You Do To Help The Muslims In Iraq?
Muslims in Britain cannot have failed to be moved by the brutality of the western occupiers in Iraq, or the heroism and bravery of the Iraqi Muslims who are giving their lives in defence of Muslim land, and demonstrating their unity under the Muslim bond of brotherhood.
The city of Falluja has faced the full force of the spineless American military, which has indiscriminately fired heavy weaponry such as mortars, helicopter gunships and missiles into an area that is heavily crowded with men, women and children. The outcome has been a bloodbath, with over 600 dead, and hospitals and medical facilities overrun.
Yet, the Muslims of Falluja are holding out and keeping the mighty American military at bay. There is also proof that Muslim unity is spreading throughout Iraq, with Shia and Sunni Muslims protesting hand in hand, and rushing to each other’s aid. The western coalition had hoped to rule through tactics of ‘divide and conquer’ by sowing the seeds of hatred between Muslims. However, the bond of Islamic brotherhood has shown itself to be strong between the Muslims of Iraq, and has thwarted western plans.
The Muslims in Britain are also brothers and sisters of the Muslims of Iraq; they not only feel pain for their suffering, but share with them the aim of Islamic unity throughout the world and of ending the western occupation of Iraq. They can do much to assist their brothers in Iraq and further the path to Islamic unity. They must act now to call for the withdrawal of the Occupied powers, and the unification of Iraq.We call upon you to:
- Encourage your brothers in Iraq to stand up against western occupation, and to not compromise in their fight for the truth.
- Call upon your friends and relatives in the Muslim world to work against their inept leaderships, demanding that they intervene in Iraq or step down from their seats.
- Contact the Muslim embassies in the UK, especially the Arab embassies, and voice your anger at the capitulation of their governments to western interests.
- Utilise the media in Britain, such as radio phone-ins, television debates or letters to newspapers, to argue that:
- What is happening in Iraq now is terrorism, it is genocide and criminal. Over 600 Iraqi men, women and children have died just in the last week in Fallujah. Is this the 'liberation' and 'freedom' Bush and Blair were ranting on about?
- The war in Iraq was illegal, immoral and unjustified in the first place. It was a war justified through lies.
- Point out that occupation is merely for colonialist aspirations of the western governments who serve the needs of the powerful industrialists.
- That it is the western publics that are paying dearly for this in the loss of troops, as well as growing war costs that come from their taxes.
- Encourage non-Muslims who work for key firms that have been awarded contracts in Iraq, that their work is feeding the colonialist aspirations, and the oppression of the Iraqi people. Argue with them in the best manner that the Muslims of Iraq do not need their help in rebuilding, rather they want their political destiny to be in their own hands and a form of their own choosing. Encourage them to not go to Iraq.
- Attend each and every protest and demonstration against the Genocide that is taking place now in Iraq.
- Put pressure on your local MP, Councillor to get the message across to Mr Blair that the only sensible thing he can do now is to end the occupation, bring the troops back and to stop this Genocide. The blood is on his hands and on all those who supported the attack on Iraq.
Do not just feel sorry for the Muslims in Iraq. Help them in each and every way.