Gulf War 1 And The Muslim States
Last year it was Afghanistan, this year it is Iraq, and Allah and Bush et al. only know who is next in there serial genocide of Muslim nations.
Had the rulers not been fooled into establishing Gulf Cooperative Council after 1991 Gulf War, Muslims wouldn't be seeing this day, when the enemies of Islam will kill another thousands of Muslims and deestry the resources of Muslims to keep us backward and dominated pretending to be the protectors and friends of Muslims, while the reality is that a few hundred Muslims are being tortured and incacerated against the International Law in Guntanamo Bay, Cuba, and Bagram Air Base in Kabul.
If Muslim rulers or people think that this blood money earned to minmize their economic woes will help them, they must not forget that Allah will never forgive those who became instruments in handing over their brethren to foreigners to have them tortured and killed, annd where they will never receive proper justice till the cows come home. The personal greed harbored by foreign aid and the booty earned for delivering Muslim trophies will cause further degeneration of Muslims rather than uplift their economic and social condition.
Brief about IRAQ:
* The previous Gulf War cost the Arabs almost $100 billion, and Saudi Arabia for the first time had to borrow money to meet domestic programs.
* More than 200, 000 Iraqi Soldiers were killed like wild turkeys.
More than 4,000 civilians were killed some with the most horrible bombs known as Bunker Busters in an Air Raid Shelter.
* 40 tons of Depleted Uranium debris was left after using DU munitions, affecting more than 500,000 people dying with Cancer. (Half life of Uranium-238 is 4.6 billion years)..
* Prior to sanctions the inflation rate stood at a level of 45 % , and between August 1990 and January 1991, it rose to 1,000 %.
* GDP decreased from US$66 billion in 1989 to an incredible US $100-200 billion.
* The cost of reconstruction was estimated to be $200 billion.
* Forty % of the schools were destroyed. Approximately 600 bombs, rockets and artillery shells fired daily to pieces of unexploded ammunition are alleged still to lie in Iraq.
* Infant mortality rate increased by 100 % between 1990 and 1992.
* Iraq's water supply was deliberately contaminated causing severe hygiene problems and diseases.
Brief About Kuwait:
* In Kuwait City, 200 buildings including hotels, parliaments, the National Museum, libraries, the Emir's palace, hospitals, and government offices were set on fire.
* Kuwait paid US$22 billion to the allies for the war effort, in addition to more than $1million paid tid to Hill & Knowlton, to invent a lie to justify war.
Kuwaitis GDP fell from US$24.5 billion in 1989 to US$11.2 billion in 1991 as a result of the war, before rising to US$21.74 billion in 1992.
Major Allied finacial to US and UK in US$million :
Saudi Arabi 16,839(US) 873(UK)
Kuwait 16,006 (US) 990 (UK)
UAE 4,000 US) 417 (UK)
Japan 10,740 (US) 288 (UK)
Germany 6,572(US) 411(UK)
Korea 385(US) 27(UK)
Other 20(US) 220(UK)
Total: 54,562(US) 3,226 (UK)
The above shows that kicking the ass of Saddam and killing several thousand Muslims was a profitable enterprise for US and UK.
When will the Muslims learn from such blunders and learn who is their friend or foe?