Knowledge Of The Unseen
Ghaib means the hidden, the unseen. And Ilm-e-ghaib is called the knowledge of invisible things that cannot be known by human senses and can't be understood without arguments.
The knowledge of the unseen is of two types 1- Personal 2- Granted
Personal knowledge of the unseen is specific to Allah Almighty as described in the holy Quran at many occasions:
1- 'say you , I do not say to you, I posses the treasures of Allah and nor I say I know the unseen my self.'
(para 7,surah 6, verse 50)
2- 'And if I would have known unseen my self , then I would have granted ample good '
(para 9, surah 7, verse 188)
3- 'And with Him (Almighty) are the keys of unseen , He (Almighty) only knows himself.'
(para 7, surah 6, verse 59)
4- ' Say you, whosoever are in the heavens and earth do not know themselves the unseen but Allah (Almighty)'
(para 20, surah 27, verse 65)
5- ' And we have not taught him to compose verses and nor it's befitting to his dignity'
(para 23, surah Yaseen , verse 69)
6- 'There are some, whose story we have not narrated to you '
(para 24, surah 40, verse 78)
7- 'The day, when Allah (Almighty) will gather the messengers then will say, what answer was made to you '
(para 7, surah 5, verse 109)
8- 'You know them not , we know them'
(para 2 , surah 9, verse 101)
10-'And they ask you about the sprit. Say the sprit is a thing by the command of my Lord and you did not receive the knowledge but a little'
(para 15, surah 17, verse 85)
So it is proved from the above evidence that nobody can know about the unseen by himself, except Allah Almighty. Only Allah Almighty has the personal knowledge of the unseen. And it is He who knows the inside(internal) and outside(external).
Allah (Almighty) has granted his countless blessings to his creatures. In his countless blessing a great Blessing is the knowledge of unseen- granted knowledge not personal, which he has granted to his beloved Prophet as Allah (Almighty) has described in many ayats (verses) in the holy Quran.
Holy Quran
1- 'And Allah exalted taught the names of all things to Adam (Alaihis salam)'
(para 1, surah2, verse 31)
In commentary of 'Madarik' under this ayat (verse), 'The meaning that Allah(Almighty) taught the names of all things to Adam (Alaihis salam), is, that Allah(Almighty) showed Adam (Alaihis salam) the material, (Stuff, kind) of every thing that He Created and told Adam (Alaihis salam) that this is called horse, this called camel etc. and Ibn-e-Abbas (Radi allaho anhu) narrated that Adam (Alaihis salam) was taught the name of every thing even the name of cup and hallowed palm' The commentary of Khazin , Kabeer, Abu sawod resemble to their commentary also while the writer of Rooh-ul-bayan says, 'Allah (Almighty) told the names and particulars of all things and also their benefits in this world and in the next and told him the names of Angels, animals, minerals and his all offspring. He was also told how to make things, the name of all cities, villages, birds, trees, blessing of paradise, the name of which are eaten and drunk more over Allah(Almighty) told him the name of every thing He (Almighty) was going to make till the day of judgment. It is narrated in Hadith that Adam (Alaihis salam) was thought 700 thousands languages. ' From above commentaries it is clear that Allah (Almighty) granted Adam (Alaihis salam) the knowledge of all things even the knowledge of things which are not still created.
This proves that Allah(Almighty) granted him the knowledge of unseen. Shaikh Ibne Arabi says in his book "Fotohat-e- Makkiya" Adam Alaihis Salam is the first caliph and attorney of the last Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him). Above given commentary show the extent the knowledge of Adam (Alihis salam) who is the salve of our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) so what will be the attitude of the knowledge of our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him)
2- "And it is not befitting to the dignity of Allah almighty that O general people He let you know the unseen. Yes, Allah Almighty chooses from among His messengers whom He pleases."
(Para 4, Surah 3, Verse 179)
"In the commentary "Baizavi" an this ayaat "Allah will not give you the knowledge of unseen that you can know about Iman and kufr which exist in the heart but Allah Almighty chooses from his prophets and then reveals to him and informs him of some knowledge of unseen or brings forwarded for him the proof that lead to the knowledge of unseen." In the commentary "Khazin" on this ayat but Allah chooses his apostle among the apostles and gives him the knowledge of unseen. "But to know the unseen is the distinctive feature of the apostle." (Commentary Jumal) "Allah Almighty choose His apostle among the apostles and gives him the knowledge of unseen". (Jalalain). "Facts of thing and knowledge of unseen is not disclosed without the mediation of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) " (Roohul Bayan) Its known from the above coated commentaries that Allah Almighty shows His knowledge to his Prophet. Some writers of commentaries say that knowledge of all the things that have been made and those which still being created is "some knowledge" in comparison of the knowledge of Allah Almighty. So this "some knowledge" given to the Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is countless in comparison to the knowledge of all creatures.
3- And Allah has sent down to you the book and wisdom and has taught to you what you did not know, and yet is the Grace of Allah upon You
(Para 5 , sura 4, verse 113)
And Allah almighty taught you (O Prophet) what you did not know. (Commentary Jalalian)
"Means the orders of knowledge of unseen" (Commentary Kabeer)
"Allah Almighty taught you the Holy book (Quran) and hikmat and informed you their facts and mysteries "
(Commentary Khazin)
This is the knowledge of first and the last that was given to the Holy Prophet (Allah's grace & Peace be upon Him) in the night of 'Mairaj'. So it comes in the Mairaj-hadith, the prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) says ,
"I was under the Arsh when Allah almighty dropped a drop in my mouth so I knew the knowledge of the first and the last."
Means He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) was taught all things that He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) did not know before the Holy Quran descended.
(Commentary Bahrul haqaiq)
4- "We have left out nothing in the book."
(Para 7, sura 6, verse 38)
If Allah Almighty unlocks (unties) the lock of your hearts then you will know all that described in the Holy Quran and you will not need any thing else because there is clear declaration about all things in the Holy Quran. (Tabqate Kubra by Imam sharani)
It is meant by "kitab" Lohe Mahfooa (the Holy book in which names and particulars of all things are noted). As Lohe mahfooz consist of the knowledge of all that takes place in the universe. There is nothing left in it about any animal (living body) and minerals (in organic matters) Commentary "Anwartunzeel"
" There is left nothing about any creature in the Holy book (Quran) except those who are giving the knowledge of unseen by Allah Almighty, no body can know the facts described in the Holy Quran "
(Commentary taken from "Araisul Bayan)
It is clear form above quoted commentaries and verse that there is nothing left which is not described in the Holy Qiran or in Lohe Mafooz. And both are taught to the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him). It means He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knows all that is described in the Holy Quran or Lohe mahfooz. So He
(Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) was given the knowledge of all things by Allah Almighty.
5- "It is not a discourse concocted, but a conformation of what went before and a detail explanation of every thing"
(Para 13 , Surah 12, verse 111)
"O Muhammad (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him), in this Quran, that descended on to you, has the detail of every thing you need" (Khazin)
"There is nothing in the universe which is not described in the Holy Quran" (commentary Husaini)
6- "The most affectionate. Taught the Quran to his beloved. He created Muhammad (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him), the soul of humanity. He taught him speech Ar-Rehman
.. regarding whatever had already happened and whatever will happen"
"Allah Almighty created the men, means Muhammad (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) and taught Him the description (detail) of the first and the last"
(Commentary Husaini and Muaalim-ul-tanzeem)
It is told that what is meant by "The Man" is Prophet (Muhammad Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) and he was taught the detail of the first and the last and also He was informed about the day of judgment"
(Commentary Khazin)
Allah Almighty taught our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) the Holy Quran and mysteries about him as Allah says, "We taught you all that you did not know before."
(Commentary Roohul Bayan)
It is known from the verse and the commentaries that there is the description of every thing in the Holy Quran and Quran was taught to our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) by Allah Almighty. So our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) all that described in the Holy Quran.
7- The knower of unseen reveals not His secret to any one except to his chosen messengers.
Ibne shaikh says "Allah does not inform any on of the knowledge which is specific to Him except His chosen apostles and what is not specific to Him tells other than these apostles also.
(Roohul Bayan)
8- And He is not niggardly as to the disclosing of unseen. Our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is not miser about the knowledge of unseen and information of (skies). It means He (Allah's Grace & peace be upon Him) does not hide a knowledge of unseen but tells you (which is reasonable to tell) as kahin (whitch doctors) used to do ". (Mualim-ul-ingeel) He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is not miser about the knowledge of unseen but teaches it to you.
9- By the grace of your Lord you are not mad.
(Para 29 , surah 68, verse 2)
It means that nothing is hidden from you. i.e. every thing (which had taken place in very beginning of this universe or will take place in it after that.) is disclosed to you. Because in Arabic "Junoon" means to hide from once eyes (and you are not Majnoon) i.e. you know all that had taken place in very beginning or will take place after that" (Roohul Bayan)
10 - "And thus we show to you Abraham all the kingdoms of heavens and in order that he might become of the convinced at sight."
(Para 7, syrah 6, verse 75)
"The Prophet Ibraheem was stood on "sakhra" mountain and skies were shown to him even He (Alahis salam) saw Arsh, kursi, and every thing in the skies and then the earth was show to Him (Alihis salam) saw the earth and its mysteries"
Many others verses can be presented to prove that Allah Almighty granted His prophets the knowledge of unseen but now we will provide evidence from some ahadith about this matter.
1- The Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) stood at a place and informed us of the beginning of creation (of creatures) and told us every thing even about those will enter the paradise or hell. He who remembered remembered and who forgot forgot.
(Sahih Bukhari, Mishqat, Vol2)
In this hadith our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) informed us of two things
1- How the creation of creatures began
2- How the universe will come to an end.
And did not leave any thing out and even told about those who will go the Hell and will enter the paradise. This is the knowledge of unseen. Imam Muslim (Rahmatullah Alaih) adds to this hadith
2- To the prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) told us about what is going to take place till the day of judgment and he who remembered this hadith more than us, his more knowledge among us.
(Mishkat, Chapter Almojizat)
3- The Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) did not leave anything which is going to take place till the day of judgment. Who remembered it, remembered and who forgot forgot."
4- "Allah Almighty folded the earth for me so I saw it east to west"
(Mishquat, Chapter Fazaile sayeedul Mursaleen)
5- I saw my Allah Almighty in his dignified position. He Almighty put his hand of providence on my chest and I found (felt) its (hand's) coolness in my heart and (by this) I came to know every thing of the skies and the earth. (Mishquat)
6- Allah Almighty presented the whole world (earth, universe) to me and (so) I am looking at it and also every thing which is going to take place in the universe just as I am looking at the palm of my hand."
(Sharh-a- mawahibul- ladunia by Imam Zarqani)
7- "Then every thing appeared to me and I recognized it".
8- Our Prophet (Allah's Grace Peace be upon Him) told us about every thing even a bird moves its wings."
(Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hambal narrated by Abuzar Ghifari (Radi Allahu Anhu)
9- "The Holy Prophet (Alah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) informed that His daughter (Fatima Radi Allahu Anha) would bare a son"
(Mishquat Chapter Manaqib-e- Ahle bait)
10- The Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) passed by two graves then said "These two men are being tortured and this torture is not because of any big matter but one of them did not use to avoid (refrain from) tiny drops of urine and the second person was a back-bitter.
(Sahih Bukhari Chapter Ithbat-a- azab-e- Qabr narrate by Ibe Abbas (Radi Allahu Anhu)
11- The Holy Prophet (Allah's grace & Peace be upon Him) stood (on the mimber sharif) and informed about the day of judjment and also told some main events before it then said "You are allowed to ask me any thing you want, I swear by Allah you will not ask any thing but I will tell you (inform you) about it, until I am on this place (member sharif)". Then a person (Munafiq) asked "What is my destination? (Hell or paradise). The Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) answered " hell". Than Abdullah bin Huzaifah (Radi Allahu Anhu) stood and asked "Who is my real father". The Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) answered "Huzaifah". Then went on saying "Ask me any thing, you want ." (Saheeh Bukhari) And the hadith is quoted in the commentary Khazin under the verse para7, surah 5, verse 101. It is to be noted that to know about once destination, either in hell or in paradise, is the knowledge of unseen but Allah Almighty granted to this knowledge his beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) more over to know about the real fatherhood of any one is also a hidden matter but our Prophet know it as well by the grace of Allah Almighty.
12- The Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) said on the occasion of the war of Kahiber "I shall give the flag tomorrow to He who will win this khaiber war by Allah's will. He also loves Allah Almighty and His Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him)." And it took place like this. The flag was given to Ali (Radi Allahu Anhu) and conquered the khaiber ford.
13- On the Occasion of Badar our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) pointed his hand and was saying "that kafir will be killed and will fall here". The narrator says no kafir fell away (aside) from the place where the Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) pointed to.
(Saheeh Muslim Kitabul Jihad, Chapter Badar war)
To know about once death time is the knowledge of unseen and our Prophet (Allah's Grace & peace be upon Him) informed about it by Allah's Grace.
14- The Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) said "I know the names of those who will fight against the Dajjal and the names of their fathers and I also recognize the colour of their horses they will be the best riders of their time.
(Mishquat, Chapter Almalhim Kitab Alfitan) By Muslim narration's
15- Once the mother of Muslims (Ayisha Radi Allahui Anha) asked the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) about the man whose virtues are equals to the number of stars. Our Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) answered "He is (Umar Radi Allahu Anhu)
(Mishquat Chapter Manaqib-e- Abubakr and umar)
From this hadith it is clear that our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knows all these people either they (deeds) are open or hidden and also he (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) know the total of the number of stars while this number can not be known by scientific tool even today.
16- "The Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) could see in the dark as easily as he could see in the day. "
17- "I swear by Allah that neither your 'Khushu' (fear of Allah) nor your 'Ruku' (bending during the prayer) are hidden from me. Verily I can see you even from behind my back
(Bukhari Shareef)
From the above given detail it is clear that to know the unseen by Himself is specific to Allah Almighty and it is only He Almighty who knows all (open and secret, seen and unseen) by himself. He is not dependent on any one at all. He Almighty does not need any one's help to know but all things are present in his knowledge because He is the creator of every thing so He Almighty knows well about his creator in detail.
On the other hand, the above given verses, the commentaries on them and hadiths show that Allah Almighty grants his beloved persons (Prophets Alaihis salam) the knowledge of unseen. This granted knowledge is only a gift and not constant and the Prophets (Alaihis salam) can not know any thing without permission of Allah Almighty. In other words any creatures has nothing. But what Allah Almighty granted it. So His Prophets know nothing but what Allah Almighty granted to them. And above quoted verses, commentaries on them and hadith show that Allah Almighty granted his Prophets the knowledge of unseen. So this type of knowledge of unseen it called granted knowledge of unseen.
Now we describe the faith of the scholars of Islam about the matters.
1. Shaikh abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehelvi's (Rahmatullah Alaih) faith
"The Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knows every thing. He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) came to know the knowledge of the first and the last and the internal and the external completely." (Madarigun - Nubuwah)
"Allah Almighty shows the beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) all that occur since Prophet Adam (Alihis salam) has been created till the Day of Judgment. So He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) could know the natures (particulars) of the first and the last and the beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon him) informed some of his Shaba (Companions) (Radi Allahu Anhuma) about this."
(Madarigun Nabuwah)
2. Allama Zarqani's (rahmatullah Alaih) faith.
"Hadith are mutawatir (a hadith narrated by such a number of scholars that it can not be said that they lied) and these have the meaning that our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) has a knowledge of unseen and this is not apposing to some verses in which Allah Almighty indocates that no body has the knowledge of unseen accept Allah Almighty, because Allah Almighty denies the knowledge of unseen from any person meaning personal knowledge (Specific to Allah ) , on the other hand our beloved Prophet's (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knowledge of the unseen by Allah's revelation. This is clear form the verse of the holy Quran
(Sharh-e- Mawahib)
3. Qazi Iyaz's (Rahmatullah Alaih) faith
"Allah Almighty chooses our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon him) by giving him the knowledge of expedience (convenience) that belongs to the world and religion as well. He Almighty also informed Him (Allah's Grace &Peace b upon Him) to the convenience of his Ummat, incidents that took place in the regions of previous Ummat and every major and minor incidents of His (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) ummat. He Almighty also gave Him (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) the knowledge of what is hidden in one's heart, different states of hearts, different duties, different ways of worship and the knowledge of mathematics (Hisab) "
(Shifa Shareef)
4. Imam Basavi's faith
"This world and the next are due to His (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) blessings and the knowledge written by "Qalam" in 'Lohe' is a tiny path of His (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knowledge"
(Qaseeda Burdah)
5. Ibraheem Hajwari's faith
Imam Ibraheem (Rahmatullah Alaih) says in the commentry on the couplet "If some one says 'if the knowledge of (Loh and Qalam) is a tiny part of our Prophet's (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knowledge, then what are His (Allah's Grace & peace be upon Him) other knowledges". He will be answered that other knowledge's are the knowledge of the next world about which Allah Almighty informed Him (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) because the Qalam wrote in the Lohe that will take place till he day of judgment.
6. Mullah Ali Qari's faith
"The knowledge of the Loh and the Qalam is a stream from the rivers of our Prophet's (Allah's Grace & peace be upon Him) knowledge and it is like a word in the series of our Prophet's (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knowledge."
(Commentary on the same copulate book "Hallul aqd"
7. Imam ibne hajar Makki's faith
" This is because Allah Almighty informed our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) of the whole universe hence He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knew the first and last and also knew t what had happened and what is going to happened." (Afzalul - Quda) The commentary of Qaseedah Buradah..
8. Mujadid-e Alf sani's faith
"The knowledge specific to Allah is given to only Allah's special apostals (Alaihis salam) "
(Maktuba Vol. 1)
9. Maulana Abdul Ali Lakhnavi's fatih
"Allah Almighty informed our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) that knowledge that even Ime Aala does not consist of it and Lohe Mahfooz can not cover it. He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is the unique creature in the universe and nobody, from the very beginning, is created like He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him ) and will not be created in the future."
(Hawashi Meer Zahid)
10. The conclusion is that nobody knows the knowledge of unseen . It is specific to Allah Almighty without Allah's information either by revelation or as a miracle.
(Sharh-e Aqaied -e- Nasfi)
11 Imam Qastalani's fatih
"Nobody know when will the day of judgment be, accept Allah Almighty and His chosen apostle (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) because Allah Almighty gives Him (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) his Almighty knowledge of unseen and a saint takes this knowledge from His apostles (Alaihis sslam) (Sharhe Bukhari book of commentary on Surah Raad)
12 Allama Jalaludeen's faith
Every ting which is going to take place in this ummat till the Day of Judgment, was presented before our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him)
13. Allama Imam Ghazali's faith
"There is no doubt that the messenger of Allah Almighty receives the knowledge of unseen either in his dream or in the state of awaking."
Ihyaul- uloom, Vol. 4)
14. Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis-e- Dehlavi's faith
Our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) recognises by His (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon him) light of prophethood every Muslim's faith, the state of his faith and also the fact of his faith. He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) knows our sins.
(Commentary Azizi)
So it is proved that Allah Almighty has given His beloved Prophet's (Alihis salam) specially our Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him), the knowledge of the unseen rather other Prophets and saints (Rahmatullah Alaih) get blessing of Allah Almighty from our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) and on of these blessing is the knowledge of the unseen.
We present the names of a few of the scholars and saints who have this faith and the names of the book in which their faith is described:
Names of the Scholars Names of the Book
Imam Bukhari Saheeh Bukhari
Imam Muslim Saheeh Muslim
Khateeb Tibraizi Mishquat Shareef
Imam Malik Muwatta Imam Malik
Allama Jami Shawahide Nabuwat
Imam Fakhrudeen Razi Tafseer-e- Kabeer
Qazi Nisahuddin Tafseer-e- Baizavi
Allama Ismaeel Haqqi Tafseer-e- Ruhul bayan
Allama Alluddeen Tafseer-e- Khazin
Allama Abu Muhammad Baghvi Tafseer-e- Moalimu Tanzeel
Shaikh Ahmed Savi Tafseer-e- Savi
Imam Tirmizi Tirmizi Shareef
Imam Abu Dawood Abu Dawood Shareef
Imam Darimy Darimy Shareef
Allama Qazi Iyaz Shifa Shareef
Allama Jalaludden Suyuti Khasais ul Kubra
Allama Asqalani Fathul Bari (Sharhe Bukhari)
Allama Zarqani Zarqani
Mullah Ali Qari Miquat (Sharhe Mishquat)
Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehelvi Ashe-atul-lamaat
Sha Wali ullah Muhaddithe Dehelvi Fuyuzul Haramain
Allama Yousuf Nibhani Jama-e- Karamate- Auwliya
Imam Baqir Shawahidun Nubuwat
Imam Jafar Sadiq Shawahidun Nubuwat
Imam Musa kazim Shawahidun Nubuwat
Imam Ali Raza Shawahidun Nubuwat
Imam Muhammad Taqui Shawahidun Nubuwat
Imam Ali Askari Shawahidun Nubuwat
Imam Hussain Zaki Shawahidun Nubuwat
Ghous-e- Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Zubda-tul-Asrar and Qala-ei-dul-jawahir
Junaid-e Baghdadi Kashful Mahjoob
Ba-yazeed Bistami Masnavi Shareef
Shaikh Shabuddeen Soharwardi Qula-aidol-jawahir
Shaikh Data Ali Hajwairee Kashful Mahjoob, Safinatul Auwliyah
Shaikh Bhauddeen Naqshbandi Jamea-karamat-e-awliyah
Allama Jalaluddeen Rumi Masnawi Shareef
Qaja maueenuddeen Chisti Aneesul-arwah
Hazrat Fareeddun Ganje Shakar Seyarul Auwliyah
Hazrat -e- Mahboob-e-Ilahi Seyarul Auwliyah
Hazrat-e-Yahya Muneeri Mehboob-e-Yadani
So as a conclusion we learn:
1. There is nobody, accept Allah Almighty who knows the knowledge of unseen by Himself. Only Allah Almighty has all knowledge of unseen by Himself.
2. Our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is he who has been given the knowledge of unseen and other Prophets (Alihis salam) and saints (Rahmtullah) have been given the knowledge of unseen by the mediation of our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him). Imam Bosairy says all Prophets (Alihis salam) took (their knowledge) from our Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) (Qaseeda Burdah Shareef)
3. There is no equality between Allah's knowledge and the knowledge of whole creatures because Allah's knowledge is His own knowledge. Nobody can give Almighty Allah any information rather He Almighty knows everything from beginning to end, so his knowledge is eternal and endless. (Ever lasting). His knowledge is unlimited, complete, surrounding, constant, and ancient. Human knowledge is not its own but is granted by Allah Almighty so human knowledge is created (incipient), limited, incomplete and variable. Allah's most beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is, no doubt, the Lord of the whole creatures. But He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is also a creature although not like other creature. He (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a slave (Worshiper) of Allah Almighty and Lord of the apostles (Alihis salam), the saints (Alirahma) and all creatures. Imam Abu hanifa (Rahmatullah Alaih) says :
"O my Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) if you were not created, nobody was created and also the universe." (Qaseeda-e-Nauman)
4. The verses in which Allah Almighty denied the knowledge of unseen from anyone, mean that nobody has the knowledge equal and similar to Allah's knowledge in all aspects. While we proved for our beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) , other Prophets (Alihis salam) and saints (Rahmaullah) only 'the granted knowledge'". And this granted knowledge has no equality or similarity in any aspect to Allah's knowledge. Even our Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) who is the most beloved Prophet of Allah Almighty knows nothing without the revelation or information of Allah Almighty. So this is the real Islamic faith about Allah's personal knowledge and the creature granted knowledge. May Allah Almighty forgive us of our sins. Allah Almighty and His beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) better.
The reason why we don't know the unseen and the Prophet Alihis salam do is simply is because they (Alihis salam) have been given the ability to know so and we have not We would like to define this in a simple way. The latest Scientific research tells us that the sense of hearing of a dog is 100 times more sensitive that than that of a human. Likewise is the sense of smelling of the dog. You know that at airport dogs are used to smell luggage to find out if there are any drugs etc present there. If there is cocaine or any drug in a bag the dog can detect that drug by smelling (without having to open it) .We cannot see the cocaine in the bag and do not know about it but the dog knows it is there even though it do not see it either. This is because Allah Almighty has given it ability to know so by smelling.
Using the sense of feeling, sharks and snakes can detect blood and enemies. Many such examples can be given of animals with amazing abilities to know things human do not.
These examples show that many thing which are unseen for us are not unseen for many animals. This is because of the differences in ability. When Allah Almighty has granted animals such abilities which are amazing in the sites of human then what can one say about the abilities that Allah Almighty has given to His beloved Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) . Indeed Allah Almighty has granted them (Alihis salam) even greater abilities, which we cannot imagine, as they are the best of creations.