Where is the Free World to Confront the Ferocity of American Terrorism?
Dr. M. Said Ramadan Al-Buti
The civilized world is witnessing a train of ferocious terrorism practiced by the American administration, sometimes using Zionist claws and other times grimacing its fangs simulating that it is chasing terrorism.
The world which is witnessing that ferocious terrorism, however, is devided into two parties. The first one is a group of victimized people deported, slain, maimed and torn between death and life.
The second one, however, is constituted of spectators representing various countries and human rights organisations which are going on viewing such ferocious crimes that manifest themselves insolently on the stage of incidents. Those spectators have been silenced and intimidated by the terrorism of those who are equipped with claws and fangs so that they are unable to do anything or to express any reproof.
However, I am not concerned here with the position of European countries, nor with the muteness of decorative organisations intended to protect human rights, nor with the scare which they both show and which prevent them from expressing any reproof and from making any intervention in the events, for those countries and organistions have their own considerations, connections and interests out of which they proceed.
Instead, the only thing that concerns me and also concerns all Muslims, whether Arabs or non-Arabs, as well as all Arabs, whether Muslims or non-Muslims, is to contemplate the temples (i.e., the leadership seats) of Arab states with their sacristans (i.e., the leaders) and how they have turned into ruins.
Where are the remains of honour which are supposed to be retained inside them?
Where are the remains of valour in the heads of those sacristans or of some of them?
In coordination whith America, Israel has recently demolished seventy houses, through a train of crimes of her ferocious terrorism, and made hundreds of their innocent inhabitants men, women and children homeless in the open air, in the sight and hearing of the sacristans of the Arab states. Has any drop of blood, however, boiled, or has it been agitated, in their veins? Has any word of reprobation been uttered by their mouths?
I addressed a high-ranking European diplomat, Why do Europeans go to such an extent in showing courtesy to America? Why do not you talk about its ferocious terrorism which it practices against the unarmed miserable Palestinians, using its Zionist claws?
He said, We have gone only a bit as far as what the Arab states have gone in showing courtesy to America. They have gone beyond all limits in their race to show it courtesy. In fact, we have reproved the green light on the basis of which Israel practices its aggression and arrogance against the Palestinian regime. But it has been said to us, Your turn to show reprobation comes after that concerning the Arab states, and as long as such states are silent and contented, your turn to show reprobation has not come yet! . He went on saying, Do you know that the costs of the ballistic missile shield which America is currently trying to erect are covered by Arab funds from the Gulf region?
Before these words, uttered by a European deplomat, I havent found any refuge - to save me from the splash of humility to which our Arab-cum-Muslim nation is being exposed to an extent which it hasnt been exposed to before - except a gloomy corner of silence.Nevertheless, the straitness and darkness of the grave, in many cases, may be farther from humility than some kinks of gloomy silence!
The Revival 2002