The Revival - October 2001 (Vol5 Issue2)
True Lies
Now, when you mention the word Islam today…after the chap has recovered from a nervous breakdown, the first thing that pops in his head is that '…oh yeah…
Muslims: Public Enemy No.1?
Since Tuesday 11th September the blame for the Terrorist attacks in America has been placed on Islam and the Muslims. Muslims have been accused of being terrorist, violent and fanatics.
What They Said About Muhammad
Whether you are a Muslim or not you have to admire and appreciate what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has given to mankind. Let's see what the non-Muslims have to say about him:
Wanna C A Miracle?
The Quran is the literal word of God and not the work of any human being. It is the living miracle revealed to Muhammad-messenger of God (peace be upon him).
Islam 4 The 21ST Century Dude
…Islam is out of date. It's 1400 years old, man…. And it's out of touch for today's society…" That's right… and I'm the Queens mum (…really…), Posh Spice can sing and Michael Barrymore is straight!
Unity Through Diversity
The Sub-editor of The Revival - Br. Saqib Ilyas- attended the Rihla Deen intensive course that was held in July at the Zaytuna Institute in California (USA), founded by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Here's his personal account, check it out:
The LightStudy Programme is one of the many attempts to work at a local level and bring classical Islamic teaching to Muslims in the West.
Revival Of Islamic Sciences
In order to revive the Islamic educational system in the UK, Minhaj ul Quran has established educational institutes across the country.
Islamic Information Pack
Who are Muslims? What do they believe? What is Islam? Ever wanted to find out but were too afraid to ask? (Sorry, No longer Available)