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Israeli physicists supply solar and wind power to Palestinian herders

SUSYA, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Hundreds of impoverished Palestinian herders and farmers living in caves and tents in a remote area of the Palestinian West Bank have been provided free electricity due to the ingenuity of two Israeli physicists.

The goat and sheep farming community of Susya, comprising clans of about 25 large families, had until recently followed a centuries-old tradition of subsistence farming without access to electricity.


But following the intervention of Comet-ME, one of 12 finalists of the BBC's World Challenge, a global competition aimed at projects showing enterprise and innovation at a grassroots level, Susya made international headlines.

Feeling grumpy 'is good for you'

n a bad mood? Don't worry - according to research, it's good for you.

An Australian psychology expert who has been studying emotions has found being grumpy makes us think more clearly.

In contrast to those annoying happy types, miserable people are better at decision-making and less gullible, his experiments showed.

While cheerfulness fosters creativity, gloominess breeds attentiveness and careful thinking, Professor Joe Forgas told Australian Science Magazine.

'Eeyore days'

The University of New South Wales researcher says a grumpy person can cope with more demanding situations than a happy one because of the way the brain "promotes information processing strategies".

Emmerich reveals fear of fatwa axed 2012 scene

Roland Emmerich, the director of the 'end of days' disaster movie, had wanted to depict the destruction of Islam's holiest site, but was persuaded not to

He blew up the Empire State Building and the White House in Independence Day, sent a giant monster careering through the heart of Manhattan in Godzilla and destroyed the famous Hollywood sign in The Day After Tomorrow. But it seems there are places even Roland Emmerich will not go - the German film-maker has revealed he abandoned plans to obliterate Islam's holiest site on the big screen for fear of attracting a fatwa.

Mum Defends High Court Fight To Let Son Die

The mother of a chronically ill baby has defended her court battle with the child's father to have his life support machine turned off.

The boy, known only as RB, has congenital myasthenic syndrome, a rare neuromuscular condition which severely limits limb movement and the ability to breathe independently. He has been in hospital since birth.

Doctors want to take the one-year-old off a ventilator which helps him to breathe, but the boy's father, who is separated from the mother, opposes the plan.

The hospital trust which provides his care has taken the case to the High Court.

If the trust wins, it would be the first time a British court has ruled against the wishes of a parent whose child does not suffer from brain damage.

Matrix [and LoTR] producer plans Muhammad biopic

Barrie Osborne, part of the Oscar-winning team behind the Lord of the Rings films, says the new production 'will educate people about the true meaning of Islam'

Producer Barrie Osborne cast Keanu Reeves as the messiah in The Matrix and helped defeat the dark lord Sauron in his record-breaking Lord of the Rings trilogy. Now the Oscar-winning American film-maker is set to embark on his most perilous quest to date: making a big-screen biopic of the prophet Muhammad (saw).

Budgeted at around $150m (£91.5m), the film will chart Muhammad (saw)'s life and examine his teachings. Osborne told Reuters that he envisages it as "an international epic production aimed at bridging cultures. The film will educate people about the true meaning of Islam".

"The Message" to be remade

A year old news, but I was not aware of it...

Controversial biopic of Muhammad set for remake

The Message, Moustapha Akkad's Gadafy-backed 1976 film of the life of the prophet that sparked the Hanafi Muslim Siege, is to get a Hollywood remake

It was one of the most controversial films of the 70s: an English-language biopic of the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) that was bankrolled by Gadafy and went on to trigger a fatal siege ahead of its US premiere. Now The Message could be set for a grand return to the fray courtesy of a 21st-century Hollywood remake.



MWF UK & SEEKERS have teamed up to bring to you an event that you will remember for life.

We have organised a Tandem Skydive, a tandem skydive is a parachute dive out of a plane whilst you are attached to an instructor. The instructor controls the dive to ensure that you have a safe landing.

All income generated from this project will be spent on charitable projects to support the development of orphans.

This is one of the highest dives in the country; most others jump from 10,000ft.

You will have to raise £400 through sponsorships from your friends, relatives and associates.

It may feel like a huge figure but you will be given help and advice based on tried and tested fundraising techniques.


Fears for missing teenage girl who disappeared after 'finding Islam'

A Major hunt has been launched by police after a Herefordshire teenage girl, Sarah Dunn, disappeared shortly after becoming obsessed with Islam.

Fears are held for the safety of the 14 year-old who was last seen in Bridgnorth, Herts, on September 28 after an argument with her parents over her decision to study the Koran.

Sarah purchased a Muslim prayer mat and was coverting to Islam shortly before she disappeared, police said.

Friends and family fear Sarah, who had recently been involved with a large group of Asian friends, may have been brainwashed by hardline Muslims.

The Telegraph
